Saturday, December 8, 2012

Random Post- Christmas Decorations

I love how even though we all live in dorms, most people are still preparing for the Christmas season. Once we came back from Thanksgiving break, everyone had new decorations for their rooms. I think its really cool to see how people are taking the limited space and resources that they have, and still making their rooms unique to them and their personality. I know my room rate and I have Christmas lights hanging up, a big bow, light up candy canes, and actual candy canes. It just feels better to walk into the room and see it all done up for Christmas time. Even if you don’t celebrate lights and you want to just put up holiday lights or whatever, it just looks nice to see everything lit up once a year and decorated.
 I saw a group of girls, just last night, on their way to a Christmas themed party with blue bows in their hair. When I asked what it was they explained that they were Chanukah bows. I thought that was the coolest thing ever. It’s all about the spirit of the season and whatever holiday you celebrate. Even though they didn’t celebrate Christmas they weren’t going to let that ruin their night and they weren’t going to dress up for a holiday they didn’t celebrate, and I thought that was really cool. I love to see how everyone uses the Holidays to express them selves. 


  1. I like your choice of topic for this random post. I think everyone can agree with the fact that a decorated room makes things feel more festive and unique. I also like that you observed that everyone uses the holidays to express themselves individually.

  2. Great post, really interesting topic to talk about. I've also noticed the tons of Christmas decorations around my floor, it really brightens things up around here.

  3. Love the post, I actually have decorations in my room, it for sure "lightens" the mood. Having spirit is a huge part of the holidays. I enjoy playing music as well.

  4. Your post was very clever! I too have decorations, lights specifically, hanging around my room. Once they were put up I instantly got into the Christmas spirit. It's cool to see all the lights lit up in the windows at night. It's like having a home away from home.
