Friday, September 7, 2012

The Reasons Behind the Blog

Template: I chose an open road for my templalte because this blog is the begining of a new class as we start a new year here at Penn State. We have no clue where this year will take us or where we'll end up at the finish of our time here at Penn State. We have all been thrown into what will be considered a crutial year, here at Penn State and anything could happen.

Title: I chose my title, We Are: The Arts, to really hit on the point that we are not just a football school and we don't spend all of our time partying either. Penn State is to be taken seriously and not seen as one giant fraternity. People may see us as a place for football and partying which happens to be associated with a university, but we are much more then that.

Color: The color is pretty much the same reason as the template. With the light blue blending in with the colors of the summer sky, it reminds us that there are no limits on what this year can hold. Trying to play off the old cliché "The sky's the limit" I wanted my blog to be a reminded that we can do anything with this year, and there is no telling what this university can do, united as one.

Font: I chose Verdana because it was bold and caught my eye, and thats what I want my blog to do to the readers. When they are scrolling through their constant stream of information, I need something that will make them stop at my blog instead any of the other countless sites on the web.

Sharing: I have a gadget on my blog that allows you to follow the blog by email.  This will help get my blog out to people who don't have time to log onto the web everyday and check the actual site.

Links: I have a list of "Important Links" at the bottom of my page where you can find anything i may want to share while writing this blog. For now they will be dispalyed at once at the bottom of the screen, but as the number of links grow, only a select few may be shown at a time.

About Me: I wrote a short description of myself, basically just so you know the basics about who I am. I think people will get to know me better through my blog then they could get to know me through a paragraph or two I write describing myself.

Overview: After all is said and done, I would say for someone who knows nothing about computers at all, I did a pretty good job creating my blog. At first i had difficulty navigating the site but after a very short amount of time, it became fairly simple.

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