Wednesday, September 26, 2012

What the Garden Means to Me

     This was my second trip to the arboretum this year and in the garden and I liked it just as much the second time as the first. I run around campus often and am looking for new places to run all the time and someone suggested I run through the arboretum and I happily took their advice. I love nature just because of the fact that I run. Checking out a new route of a run is one of my favorite things. I love looking around at all of the trees and flowers and whatever else around. My favorite place to run is definitely the woods, actually. So when I found this garden, needless to say, I was pretty excited. It isn't huge and has a lot of turns so it isn't really ideal to run through. I do, however, love running past it or walking through it all of the time. I think the garden and the entire arboretum are one of if not my favorite places on campus. I just think it makes everything more interesting to be surrounded by a beautiful place like that. Whether it be running, walking, or even having an english class on a monday morning. All that being said, you can likely guess that I will definitely be there again. I will almost definitely be by there on runs again and might even stop by just to walk around if I ever need to relax and just have some quiet in this busy environment. I'm not really sure if my friends would find the garden as interesting as I do, but I would love to go over there with my floor or anyone else if they were interested. Good company is only made better by an awesome environment. It made me happy to be there mostly because it reminded me of Cross Country season last year with all my friends. Since it instantly made me think of running, it reminded me of all the good times I had with my friends when I saw all of the flowers and many different plants growing throughout the garden. As simple as it was it brought me back to a completely different time or place. It felt like I was crossing the finish line at the Catholic League championships again my senior year of high school. I could see the hills I was running up and hear the crowd cheering as I crossed the finish line. It was so strange of a feeling how it brought me back to a completely different place in mind. Even though gardens and running don't really go together on a normal basis, but to me nature and running will always be linked together. So in a way, the garden will always be linked to the happy memories of my cross country season and my senior year all together. This will always be a happy place on campus for me. Hopefully I will have many more trips to the garden in my years at open at Penn State.


  1. Joe,

    Yes, this is a wonderful place to run! And did I already tell you about the trails? Back behind the gardens, there are miles of them. Beautiful and mostly flat. Great for running or biking. Hope you'll check them out!

    One formatting thing: remember to use paragraphs with space between them to give your reader's eyes a break.


  2. I really liked your comment about "Good company is only made better by an awesome environment." Well said-and hopefully it will get my friends to come to the garden with me! Also, I enjoy running too and I am happy to know that a fellow runner approves of the gardens and trails as a good place to run!

  3. Yes, I will definitely be running through those trails when it is a little warmer out. I was pretty excited when i discovered the garden and even more so when i was told about the trails that were there as well. I will definitely remember to make paragraphs for now on in my blog posts too, I must not have been thinking when i posted this.
